Friday, May 1, 2009

The Godfather

This is the father of Mob and Gangster movies. The Godfather that is. Based on the book by the same title written by Mario Puzo just a couple years before the films release in 1972. It took Oscars home for Best Picture, Marlon Brando as Best Actor, and Best Screenplay based on another medium. It was nominated for 8 others including 3 iterations of best supporting actor for James Caan, Robert Duvall, and Al Pacino.

This is an incredibly celebrated movie. It is ranked number 2 out of 250 on our IMDB list. However, I didn't think it was all it was cracked up to be. It was long. And the Director agrees with me. His original cut was 50 whole minutes shorter than the 3 hour theatrical version. Francis Ford Coppola was told to go back and add more violent scenes and more scenes with the family. The acting was good, though it took me about ten minutes to take Marlon Brando's character of Don Vito seriously because it is a heavily parodied character (Robin Hood Men in Tights, an episode of Freakazoid, and Seinfeld all have an example.)

Because of the prestige this movie carries I don't want to give away too much, other than to say that there are violent scenes and it's not for the faint of heart, or the short of attentioned span. I mean i thought three seperate times the movie was ending. But, to sum up, you should see it.

Me personnaly, I give it a 6 out of 10.