Monday, November 8, 2010

The Great Movie Review: The Last Crusade

Nazis. I hate these guys. I've been waiting like a month and a half to show this movie. This movie is one of my favorites. It's currently number 4 on my top 10 list of my all time favorite movies. Right behind The Village, Harvey and The Incredibles. Aren't you glad you pushed through Tod?

So this movie takes it back to the tone and styling of Raiders. It's pretty much a self contained movie. Really all three of the movies are self contained, but this one contains the best exposition. There's no need to see Raiders or Tod if you see The Last Crusade. I say that, you really should watch all three, but if you were going to pick just one, let it be Last Crusade. Also, it has Sean Connery in it. Interesting fact from the special features, Sean is only about 16 years older that Harrison. How weird is that?

And while we're talking about girls ... we finally get a lead female character with more than one dimension. I don't know what Val's opinion was this time. She wouldn't say. Which I assume means she now has a new role model, or something really close to that.

Honestly, I don't know what to say. It's the best of the three. There is good character development, humor, solid acting and all of the gunslinging, whiplashing and Indiana Jonesing that we've come to know and love. If you watch any of the Indy movies, WATCH THIS ONE!

PS - He takes out this tank!

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