Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Great Movie Review: Love Actually

I had planned for two choices for this evening. But after buying a Christmas tree, brewing a pot of wassail, and listening to Christmas music, I just couldn't get around not picking something Chrismasy. "But it's still November," blurts Kyle. Indeed, but Thanksgiving is over, and that means fair game.

I've always wanted to see this movie (mostly to get Netflix off my back, after recommending it to me over and over.)

EVERYONE, is in the movie. We literally spent the first five minutes going, "That's the guy from ______. Oh and she's from ______."

The movie opens and ends with shots of real people greeting each other at the airport as if they had not seen their loved one in a long time. I'll admit, I had trouble keeping the tears in my eyes for that bit.

What did I learn? Don't buy gifts for women that are not your wife. Don't ever start making out center stage behind a closed curtain. And NEVER be left alone in a room with the president of the United States. (especially if his name is Billy Bob.)

All in all, we enjoyed it! It's charming; it's funny. And, everybody has an English accent. What's not to like. Any good sensible guy should and would enjoy this movie.

If I may quote myself a second time, "What is this, Crash?"

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